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Banks Fight Credit Unions for Free Rent on U.S. Military Bases

Regional commercial banks like Kansas City-based UMB Financial Corp., already losing business on military bases, want to gain access to the free rent their credit-union competitors enjoy.

San Francisco Ready to Name No. 1 U.S. Gun Lobby Terrorist Group

San Francisco wants to declare the National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization and is preparing to start asking the city’s vendors to reveal whether they’re doing business with the nation’s largest gun lobby.

Mystery Group Puts $13 Million Into Ads on Surprise Health Bills (2)

A shadowy group has spent more than $13 million since July advertising in states with vulnerable senators to oppose legislation that would rein in medical bills that take patients by surprise.

Republicans Spend Millions to Keep N.C. House Seat from Flipping

Republicans are spending millions of dollars trying to hold onto a North Carolina House seat in danger of flipping to Democrats after an election scandal and a series of other setbacks for the party.