417 Results Found

GSA Reassesses $15B Alliant Small-Business Awards: What’s Ahead


The General Services Administration must reconsider bids submitted for a 10-year, $15 billion contract known as Alliant 2 Small Business (A2SB) following a decision by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Alliant 2 SB delivers information technology services. Click here for details of the decision, which enjoins GSA from proceeding with its current aw...

What to Know in Washington: Trump Takes Victory Lap to Michigan


President Donald Trump has turned his focus to re-election in the days since he emerged unscathed from Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, mounting a fresh attack on Obamacare as he takes an extended victory lap.

What to Know in Washington: Where Republicans Will Buck Trump


Senate Republicans are showing an increasing willingness to challenge President Donald Trump on foreign policy by voting for legislation that contradicts him publicly after they have failed to sway him privately.

What to Know in Washington: Trump Budget Request Set for Release


President Donald Trump will propose a U.S. budget that wouldn’t balance for 15 years, even assuming stronger economic growth than private forecasters expect and with deep domestic spending cuts that have little chance of passing Congress.

What to Know in Washington: Prepare for a Spending Fight


President Donald Trump’s gambit to extract a few billion extra dollars for border fencing in fiscal 2019 may succeed in the short term, but his emergency declaration and other tactics could set in motion long-term changes in how lawmakers deal with the White House on spending issues. Trump threw a wrench into the normal give […]

‘Free College’ Sounds Better on Trail Than on Hill For Democrats


“Free college” is becoming a campaign rallying cry among Democratic presidential contenders, but Democrats on the Senate’s education panel want to keep that hot-button issue out of negotiations on a bipartisan higher education bill this year.

What to Know in Washington: Anti-Semitism Fight Dents Dem Agenda


Instead of a unified message on the legislation and the probes, meant to be cornerstones of their agenda, Democrats are bickering over a resolution to condemn comments from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), for rhetoric about Israel that some viewed as anti-Semitic.

What to Know in Washington: House Democrats Face Potential Rift


A decision by House Democratic leaders to hold a vote on an anti-Semitism resolution that indirectly rebukes one of their own members, Ilhan Omar, has drawn the ire of her allies, threatening to open a generational rift in the party.

What to Know in Washington: Will the Mueller Report Stay Secret?


Democratic leaders say they’ll subpoena the special counsel’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, as well as the evidence underlying it, if Attorney General William Barr declines to hand it over to Congress. If Barr balks at the subpoena, the legislators say, they’ll sue to enforce it.

What to Know in Washington: Where Democrats’ Dreams Go to Die


Some Democrats are sounding warnings about the expectations being raised among the progressive voting base that helped the party gain control of the House and who’ll be crucial to any chances of winning the White House.
