What to Know in Washington: Subsidy Wars Heat Up

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President Joe Biden’s sweeping new industrial policy in the US is changing the calculus and upending the plans of governments and businesses across the world. How it plays out may determine not just Biden’s electoral fate but that of political leaders around the globe.

Locked in a fight with China for global dominance, the White House is pouring subsidies into local manufacturing via landmark measures including last year’s Inflation Reduction Act. The goal is to entrench US leadership in industries of the future like clean energy and semiconductors, and create well-paying jobs at home. The effect has been to kickstart a global contest that’s straining alliances and channeling unprecedented amounts of public cash into private industry.

The US defense of its new policy direction is clear-cut: If there’s a subsidy war under way then China started it, and America’s allies should all share an interest in pushing back against Beijing. The Biden administration is working “to harmonize these clean energy incentives with partners around the world,” the White House said in a July report.

In Canada, a standoff over subsidies left automaker Stellantis threatening to build its plant in the US instead. The company, which owns Chrysler and Jeep, said it needed a “level playing field” to bring down the cost of EVs and compete with other automakers getting IRA-sized money. And it was potentially eligible for US tax credits worth almost 20 times what Canada was offering.

But losing the factory would have been disastrous for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government, which saw the project as crucial for Canada to keep its share of the North American auto industry — not to mention thousands of jobs, including at suppliers of materials and parts.
After initially balking at the fiscal cost, Ottawa relented and agreed to an additional package worth up to C$15 billion, the largest in national history for a single factory. Trudeau’s ministers were left to wonder how many more such deals the country could afford — a question that’s been top of mind ever since the US legislation passed last August. At one budget update, a top official called the IRA a “black hole sucking investment into the United States.” Read more from Brian Platt.


  • There are no public events on Biden’s schedule.
  • Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will deliver a briefing at 1 p.m.


  • The House is back at noon to take up it’s first spending bill of the year on the floor.
  • The Senate returns at 10 a.m. to resume debate on the defense policy bill.

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What Else We’re Reading

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Tentative UPS, Teamsters Deal Earns Biden’s Support

UPS reached a tentative agreement to renew a five-year labor contract with the Teamsters union, staving off a possible strike as soon as next week that could have paralyzed shipments throughout the US and beyond. The tentative pact garnered support from Biden, who said it “moves us closer to a better deal for workers that will also add to our economic momentum.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Brandon Lee in Washington at blee@bgov.com

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kayla Sharpe at ksharpe@bloombergindustry.com

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