What to Know in Washington: N.Y. Looms Large in House GOP Plans

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House Republicans are trying to hang on to six seats in New York districts that President Joe Biden won in 2020.

Democrats, who need to pick up five seats to retake the House majority, are betting New Yorkers’ unease with the GOP’s focus on social issues like abortion, transgender rights, and book bans give them an edge.

The Republicans in these districts in turn are de-emphasizing culture-war fights to lean into pocketbook issues and concrete local concerns. Their priorities run the gamut from farm subsidies to electrical vehicle requirements for school buses to the cap on the state and local tax deduction, which hits downstate voters particularly hard.

Republicans in November took four New York districts — and kept seats in two other moderate-to-liberal areas — by hammering Democrats on skyrocketing inflation and the broader US economy. The party went on to win a narrow House majority.

Photographer: Dana Ullman/Bloomberg

At a lakeside event with veterans just north of New York City, Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) answered questions on military medical insurance.

Jack Duncan, a 66-year-old who served in the Marines and Army, confided he and his son are Republicans, his wife a Democrat, and his daughter an independent voter.

“That’s pretty reflective of things around here. If Lawler wants to stick around, he needs to find middle ground,” Duncan said. “You’ll find being in lockstep with an extreme position — either the extreme left or the extreme right — won’t work.”

But Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.), the House Democratic leader, argued recently that Lawler and the other Republican freshmen in his state merely “project moderation.”

“They have failed to distance themselves from the most extreme elements of their party,” Jeffries said.

These Republicans supported the House GOP’s initial offering in the fight to suspend the nation’s debt ceiling, a package that would have rolled back veterans’ health benefits and threatened food assistance programs. Democrats also point to the votes most cast in favor of measures restricting military access to abortion services as contradictory to their statements the federal government needed to stay out of the issue.

However, these Republicans do align — at least in part — with the majority of their party on immigration. They’ve spoken out against New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ handling of the migrant surge in his city, and its impacts in the surrounding counties. But they’re also willing to break with Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), if need be, to get what they want on other matters.

Yet, non-partisan analyses suggest they are among the least conservative of House Republicans. Lawler’s voting record is more liberal than 98% of fellow House Republicans, putting him at the current Congress’s ideological center, according to Voteview.com. Read the full story from Billy House.


  • Biden has no public events scheduled today.
  • Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre gives a briefing at 3:30 p.m.


  • The House is back tomorrow to tackle spending bills on the floor this week.
  • Senators convene tomorrow at 3 p.m. to resume floor work on the annual defense policy bill.

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To contact the reporters on this story: Giuseppe Macri in Washington at gmacri@bgov.com; Brandon Lee in Washington at blee@bgov.com

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kayla Sharpe at ksharpe@bloombergindustry.com

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