What to Know in Washington: D.C. Insiders Tackle Debt Talks

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Five Washington insiders are now tasked with cutting a deal to avert a debt default that otherwise could come as soon as June 1.

All have serious deal-making chops, none come from the extremes of their party, and most are well acquainted.

They got to work Tuesday evening, hours after President Joe Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) deputized them. The speaker offered a vote of confidence: “We have the right people in the room.”

Here’s what you need to know about the negotiators:

Photographer: Alex Wong/Getty Images
The U.S. Capitol on March 5, 2021 in Washington, D.C.

Steve Ricchetti

Few in the White House are as close to Biden as adviser Steve Ricchetti, the chair of Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign and chief of staff to Biden when he was vice president. He brings decades of experience in sensitive negotiations: He also was a deputy chief of staff to former President Bill Clinton and once was Clinton’s top liaison to the Senate.

Shalanda Young

White House Budget Director Shalanda Young has a long track record forging deals on federal spending in her current job and previously as a long-time staffer for the House Appropriations Committee. Her deep knowledge of the arcane details of appropriations is a critical advantage in talks centered on cutting government spending.

Louisa Terrell

A former aide to Biden when he served in the Senate, Louisa Terrell now leads the team of White House lobbyists who serve as the president’s eyes and ears on the Hill. Terrell helped steer Biden’s bipartisan winning streak on Capitol Hill in 2022, which included the infrastructure legislation, a major financial boost for the domestic semiconductor chip industry, a broad gun-safety measure, and a same-sex marriage bill.

Garret Graves

Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.) emerged from McCarthy’s January battle for the speakership as one of the Republican leader’s most trusted lieutenants. He helped broker the agreements that put McCarthy over the top. And he was the key architect of the House debt limit plan that pulled together the party’s warring factions behind a single package of spending cuts.

Dan Meyer

Dan Meyer is the only person to serve as chief of staff to two House speakers: Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) in the mid-1990s and now McCarthy. In between, Meyer was the top congressional liaison for President George W. Bush during the battles over financial crisis legislation in 2008. Later, he worked Congress for major insurers and drug companies as president of the powerhouse Washington lobbying firm Duberstein Group.

Erik Wasson and Laura Litvan have more details on these negotiators.

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  • New projected cash flows for the Treasury Department from the Bipartisan Policy Center show June 1 and 2 could present the biggest risk dates for a potential government default. Read more


  • The House meets this morning to vote on a resolution supporting local police.
  • Senators gather at 10 a.m. to consider a judicial nomination.


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  • Biden participates in a bilateral meeting at 6 p.m. JST with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio in Hiroshima, Japan.

Happening on the Hill

Biden Labor Nominee’s Full Senate Vote Shelved Until Late May

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Today, Senate Democrats are proposing to accelerate federal permitting for transmission and climate resiliency efforts—but not fossil fuel projects.

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A.I. Companies Should Pay to License Work, Artists Tell Lawmakers

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Senators Urge Biden to Appoint Independent Banking Investigator

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Politics & Probes

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  • Meanwhile, the Florida federal judge handling Disney’s lawsuit against DeSantis has ruled against him in previous high-profile cases, including last year blocking “anti-woke” restrictions on workplace diversity training and university instruction. Read more.

Santos Referred to Ethics Committee, Sidestepping Expulsion Vote

The House voted to put Rep. George Santos’s (R-N.Y.) fate in the hands of its Ethics Committee Wednesday, a maneuver that avoided an up-or-down vote on his expulsion that would have forced his Republican colleagues to publicly rebuke one of their own.

Thomas 2011 Ethics Complaints Not ‘Properly’ Handled, Judge Says

A federal judge who raised concerns more than a decade ago about how ethics complaints against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas were handled testified Wednesday in the Senate, sharing new details about the events, including Chief Justice John Roberts’s role.

  • Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden on Tuesday renewed his demand that GOP donor Harlan Crow provide a detailed account of expensive trips and gifts that he provided to Thomas. Read more.

What Else We’re Reading

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Leaders of some of the world’s most advanced economies gather in the Japanese city of Hiroshima while facing a clutch of collective challenges.

China Military A.I. Use Raises Alarms

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Alleged Pentagon Leaker Seeks Bail

Jack Teixeira, the Air National Guardsman charged with the most serious leak of secret military information in a decade says he should be released on bail, arguing he’s no Edward Snowden.

Abortion Pill Hearing Judges Press FDA to Defend Drug Approvals

A tense appeals court hearing Wednesday over the FDA’s approval of the abortion pill forced the agency and mifepristone’s brand-name manufacturer to clarify confusion over the agency’s authority and regulatory processes.

To contact the reporters on this story: Michaela Ross in Washington at mross@bgov.com; Andrew Small at asmall@bgov.com

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kayla Sharpe at ksharpe@bloombergindustry.com

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