What to Know in Washington: Border Deal Fail Hardens Future Try

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The rapid collapse of a painstakingly negotiated Senate border deal has lawmakers and advocates fretting about prospects for any future immigration talks and scrambling to assess whether any of it can be salvaged.

Sens. James Lankford (R-Okla.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) spent the past four months tackling one of the most fraught areas of US domestic policy and landed on a complex compromise that aimed to bolster border enforcement and speed up asylum reviews.

Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), Lankford’s wife Cindy Lankford, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) walk down a stairwell near the Senate Chambers yesterday.

It’s one of the most conservative bipartisan immigration deals ever reached on Capitol Hill, but Donald Trump and GOP lawmakers torpedoed the bill within days of its release, decrying provisions they deemed as too weak.

The deal would have overhauled the asylum process in the US, sped up decisions and deportations, and provided the executive branch sweeping new authority to turn away migrants whenever the border is considered overwhelmed. It also contained some provisions for legal immigration but didn’t include key progressive priorities, such as a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

The collapse, the latest in the annals of doomed immigration negotiations, is a cautionary tale for any lawmakers who hope to try their hands at brokering a deal.

“I was more optimistic than I should have been in retrospect,” Murphy said in an interview yesterday, about two hours before the Senate formally voted down the deal. Ellen M. Gilmer looks ahead to the fallout.

New military assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan was included in the blocked border deal. While Senate Democratic leaders plan to try to pass the aid package without the border enforcement agreement, that approach faces daunting prospects in the House, where Republican leaders insist migration policy be addressed first.

The Senate last night put off a vote on a measure that would provide assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. “We will recess until tomorrow and give our Republican colleagues the night to figure themselves out,” Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said. Read more.


  • President Joe Biden will address the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Leesburg, Va. at 4 p.m.
  • Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre holds a press briefing at 1:30 p.m.


  • Senators meet at noon to vote on a foreign aid supplemental spending bill.
  • The House is out until next week.
  • For the full detailed agenda read BGOV’s Congress Tracker.

Also Happening on the Hill

Photographer: Kent Nishimura/Bloomberg
Lankford faced a rebuke from Republican activists in Oklahoma over the bipartisan border package.

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Photographer: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/Bloomberg
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What Else to Know

Photographer: Al Drago/Bloomberg
FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker arrives for a hearing in Washington, DC, on Tuesday.

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TOP TECH COMPANIES — including OpenAI, Anthropic, Microsoft, Meta, Google, Apple, Amazon, Hugging Face, and IBM — will participate in a newly established AI Safety Institute Consortium intended to craft federal standards to ensure that the technology is deployed safely and responsibly, the Commerce Department announced today. Read more.

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To contact the reporters on this story: Giuseppe Macri in Washington at gmacri@bgov.com; Jeannie Baumann in Washington at jbaumann@bloombergindustry.com

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kayla Sharpe at ksharpe@bloombergindustry.com

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