What to Know in Washington: Biden Woos Older Voters Over Trump

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President Joe Biden’s team is intensifying outreach to older voters, with volunteers organizing bingo games in swing states and running ads during daytime shows popular with seniors, such as The Price is Right.

It’s a bid to capitalize on polls showing Biden leading Donald Trump among those 65 and older, reversing a trend that’s seen seniors back Republican nominees in recent elections.

Older voters are a coveted bloc, boasting the highest turnout rate of any age bracket and sizable populations in battleground states. They’re even more important this year, offering Biden the chance to offset losses from younger voters frustrated by his handling of the Israel-Hamas war and other issues.

Biden’s team believes seniors could make a difference in the battleground states, a campaign official said on condition of anonymity to discuss internal strategy.

Democratic strategist Tom Bonier said older voters are tuned in to political news, including coverage of Trump’s criminal cases.

“Voters who are paying the closest attention are those who are abandoning Trump and the Republican Party at higher rates than any others,” Bonier said. Read More

BIDEN’s prospects for re-election in November are being depressed by persistent voter concerns over inflation, according to a new poll for the Financial Times.

  • High prices are one of the biggest financial challenges for 80% of voters, according to the latest FT-Michigan Ross poll released Sunday. Voters are growing less supportive, with 58% disapproving of his handling of the economy compared with 55% the prior month. Read More


  • Biden departs Rehoboth Beach, Del. shortly after 11 a.m. and returns to the White House around 12:30 p.m.
  • Around 5 p.m., the president delivers remarks alongside Vice President Kamala Harris at an Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month reception in the Rose Garden. Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff also attends.
  • Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre delivers a briefing around 2 p.m.


  • The House and Senate are back tomorrow for votes on supporting police and advancing nominees.
  • For details on the full agenda read BGOV’s Congress Tracker.

Elections & Politics

Rep. DAVID TRONE is leaning into his status as a rich self-funding candidate in the final days of Maryland’s primary election campaign, Greg Giroux reports. Personal wealth is one of Trone’s credentials in Tuesday’s contest to choose a Democrat to oppose ex-Gov. Larry Hogan (R) for the Senate.

  • With 49 Senate seats, Republicans would clinch a majority in the 119th Congress starting in January if they win West Virginia and just one more Democratic-held seat and don’t lose any of their own seats. They’d also control the Senate if they win 50 seats and the presidency. Read More

Bob Menendez Bribe Trial Over Gold Bars, Cash Begins in New York

The bribery trial of Senator Robert Menendez begins Monday with the embattled New Jersey Democrat potentially blaming his wife for his predicament and seeking to call a psychiatrist to defend why he hoarded the $480,000 in cash and 13 gold bars FBI agents found in his house.

Trump Pledges Across-the-Board Tax Cuts If He Returns to Office

Donald Trump pledged to double down on tax cuts if he wins a second term as president, drawing a distinction with President Joe Biden who has called for tax hikes on businesses and the richest Americans.

Trump Vows ‘Day One’ Executive Order Targeting Offshore Wind

Donald Trump vowed to issue an executive order targeting offshore wind development if he wins a second term as president, making his most explicit threat yet toward the growing industry.

Trump Says Nikki Haley Isn’t Under Consideration as Running Mate

Donald Trump said Nikki Haley isn’t under consideration to be his running mate as the former president sharpens his focus on possible vice presidential candidates.

From BGOV’s Hill Reporters

Bipartisan bills to PROTECT KIDS online are getting a fast-track push for votes on the Senate floor. Senate leaders are working to streamline a vote on the Kids Online Safety Act and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act, Oma Seddiq reports. Read More

The FARM BILL crafted in the House pulls from more than 150 bills and sets aside tens of millions of dollars for new fiber product and specialty crop programs, according to a summary published Friday by the House Agriculture Committee, Skye Witley reports. Read More

Biotech legislation that would prohibit federal contracting with certain biotechnology providers controlled by “foreign adversaries” will undergo a markup by the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, Alex Ruoff reports. Read More

At the Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justices BRETT KAVANAUGH and CLARENCE THOMAS raised concerns about the court’s growing emergency docket, saying it pressures justices to make quick rulings in controversial issues before developing a complete understanding of the facts.

  • Speaking Friday in Austin, Texas, Kavanaugh lamented the strain the expedited timeline places on the justices and said it leads to decreased output in other areas. Read More
  • Thomas decried “the nastiness and the lies” he and his wife Ginni have “had to endure” in recent years. Read More

Alito Condemns Fundamental Threats While Toning Down Rhetoric

US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito once again warned that Americans’ freedom of speech and religion are imperiled during what he called “troublous times.”

Louisiana Urges High Court to Save Black Congressional District

Louisiana is asking the US Supreme Court to save the state’s second majority-Black congressional district and freeze litigation its attorneys say is causing “chaos” mere days before officials must prepare for the primaries.

What Else We’re Watching

BIDEN’s climate law unleashed a $16 billion flood of promised investments in solar manufacturing. But less than two years later, manufacturers have quietly shelved or slowed plans for at least four of those plants. High borrowing costs and record-low panel prices — the result of cheap imports pouring into the market — have made some projects uneconomical.

  • The decisions underscore the limits of US government subsidies when it comes to wresting control of established clean energy supply chains from China. Read More

Energy Secretary JENNIFER GRANHOLM will visit Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates next week, according to people familiar with the matter. Read More

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House Panel Probes Biden Withholding Arms Aid to Israel: Fox

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Schumer Urges FTC to ‘Pump the Brakes’ on Chevron-Hess Deal

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Sunday urged the Federal Trade Commission to pause Chevron Corp.’s proposed $53 billion takeover of Hess Corp., arguing the deal would give the oil industry more power to raise gas prices.

Israel May Have Violated International Law, US Report Says

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DOJ Ramps Up Unique Tool in Antitrust Suits to Shape Case Law

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Biden to Hike Tariffs on China EVs, Offer Solar Exclusions

President Joe Biden will double, triple and quadruple tariffs on some Chinese goods this week, unveiling the measures at a White House event framed as a defense of American workers, people familiar with the matter say.

The total tariff on Chinese electric vehicles will rise to 102.5% from 27.5%, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity ahead of the announcement. Others will double or triple in targeted industries, though the scope remains unclear.

FAA Bill Would Reprioritize Contractor-Supported Tech Programs

Companies working on programs connected to the nearly 20-year-old NextGen airspace modernization initiative will likely see millions of dollars start to shift into new programs, research, and prototypes if Congress reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration.

To contact the reporters on this story: Giuseppe Macri in Washington at gmacri@bgov.com; Jeannie Baumann in Washington at jbaumann@bloombergindustry.com

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kayla Sharpe at ksharpe@bloombergindustry.com

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