Republican Redistricting Head on His Party’s Strategy (Podcast)

Adam Kincaid, head of the National Republican Redistricting Trust, joined Bloomberg Government’s Kyle Trygstad and Greg Giroux on the latest episode of Downballot Counts to discuss his party’s strategy for shaping congressional districts for the next decade.

States have begun drafting and in some cases have finalized their maps in the weeks since the 2020 census results were released.

Kincaid’s organization helps coordinate GOP data sharing across states and is preparing for what he expects to be an extensive and aggressive stretch of litigation between the two parties over the new maps.

“One thing about redistricting that people need to realize is it’s trench warfare on both sides,” Kincaid said.

( Sign up for Ballots & Boundaries, a weekly check-in as states change voting laws and revise political districts.)

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Photo by Sarah Silbiger/Bloomberg
Republicans are seeking to draw congressional lines that can help them win the House majority next year and hold it in the decade to come.

To contact the hosts: Greg Giroux in Washington at; Kyle Trygstad in Washington at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Loren Duggan at
