House Panel Expands Eligibility for Low-Cost Child Care Proposal

  • Spending plan caps cost of child care at 7% of family income
  • Amendment would make care ‘truly universal,’ co-sponsor said

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The House Education and Labor Committee approved an amendment to a proposed child care expansion that would make all families eligible to receive new benefits, instead of restricting them for top earners.

The panel is marking up its portion of a $3.5 trillion social spending and tax package backed by the White House. The committee’s bill would spend $450 billion to make child care more affordable and enact universal pre-kindergarten.

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The original bill proposed capping the cost of child care at 7% of household income for families earning up to 200% of median income in their state, with the full cost covered for the lowest-income households. The amendment, which was approved by voice vote, would remove those income requirements.

Democrats backing the amendment said the cost of child care creates a burden for all families, including middle class households in large cities and suburban areas.

“It is truly a universal program,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.).

To contact the reporter on this story: Andrew Kreighbaum in Washington at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Sarah Babbage at; Michaela Ross at

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