Consulting Services Vendors Sought for FEMA Disaster Assistance

  • Four regional contracts estimated to be worth $2.3 billion
  • Work to include broad range of disaster support services

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Bidding is underway for contracts worth as much as $2.3 billion to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency in processing applications for disaster relief.

Proposals are due Aug. 21, and FEMA will chose four companies to provide technical assistance under the fifth iteration of a major consulting services contract.

The new contract—Public Assistance Technical Assistance Contract V, or PA TAC V— is a recompete of FEMA’s PA TAC IV, currently held by three companies that have received a total of $1.2 billion since fiscal 2019.

Incumbents are a joint venture led by CDM and Jacobs Engineering ($544 million), Fluor Corp. ($338 million), and Serco Group PLC ($306 million).

PA TAC IV is scheduled to expire in January 2024.

The new vehicle will consist of four independently evaluated indefinite delivery contracts focused on a different geographic region of the US. Each contract will have one base year period and four one-year option periods, and expire at the end of fiscal 2028.

The $2.3 billion ceiling covers all four planned contracts.

The primary goal of PA TAC V is to support FEMA’s distribution of public assistance following major disasters or declared public emergencies. Each contract requires a broad range of professional services, including site inspection, field support, technical support of the Community Disaster Loan program, analysis, and cost estimation.

To contact the reporter on this story: Paul Murphy in Washington at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Amanda H. Allen at

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