Collective PAC Working to Expand Black Political Power (Podcast)

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Quentin James, founder and president of The Collective PAC, joined the latest episode of Downballot Counts to discuss his efforts to increase the number of Black elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels.

James talked with hosts Kyle Trygstad and Greg Giroux about recent congressional primary success for Black candidates, what it would mean for a Black woman to join Joe Biden’s presidential ticket, and how turnout operations are adjusting to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Photo by Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Quentin James speaks at The Collective PAC’s 2nd Annual History Makers Awards, during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 49th Annual Legislative Conference, in Washington, D.C., in September 2019.

To contact the hosts: Greg Giroux in Washington at; Kyle Trygstad in Washington at

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