Wisconsin Begins Center Stage Role in 2020 Election (Podcast)

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Bloomberg Government’s Kyle Trygstad and Greg Giroux discuss the dynamics in Wisconsin, where the presidential primary scheduled for Tuesday was still in flux Monday afternoon, on this week’s Downballot Counts podcast.

The state is also hosting the Democratic National Convention, which last week was delayed until August, and is expected to be a top presidential campaign battleground in November.

Later, Bloomberg Government’s Nancy Ognanovich joins the podcast to discuss how the Senate’s most vulnerable Republicans are juggling the coronavirus response and their own re-election efforts.

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Photo by Thomas Werner/Bloomberg
Volunteers assist a voter at an early-voting ballot drop-off location in Milwaukee, Wis., on April 2.

To contact the hosts: Greg Giroux in Washington at ggiroux@bgov.com; Kyle Trygstad in Washington at ktrygstad@bgov.com

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