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Federal Industry Leaders Forum 2022 Highlights

Webinar available on demand

July 27, 2022 | Virtual Event

Fireside Chat with the Honorable Michael J. McCord, Under Secretary of Defense

An overview of the FY2023 budget outlook, agency initiatives, resulting spending, programs of interest, and the ways in which the defense industry can continue to support agency missions.

Securing Federal Networks Against Cyber Adversaries

Federal networks are under attack every day, by nation-states, transnational criminal organizations, and cyber criminals. This session featured top U.S. government cybersecurity leaders from CISA, DoS, and NCD for a discussion on the administration priorities, latest developments around a “zero trust” approach, and new cybersecurity requirements for contractors.

Reinventing the Experience: Federal Business Development

See the latest product innovations from Bloomberg Government for the ways in which your team can refine their strategy to grow their business.

The Federal AI Frontier – Where Is the Human?

Conversation with AI leaders from DARPA and the National AI Advisory Committee on federal spending on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), state of AI adoption, latest AI related legislation, policies and guidance and business opportunities within the federal AI space.

Contractors Abroad – The Global Logistics and Supply Chain

The supply chain is about more than the products the federal government buys – it’s a complex web of software, security, people, partners, and processes that all must be secured. Those factors are crucial to doing business with the government. However, with a pandemic, emerging foreign risks, and evolving trade relations, contractors must continue to secure their supply chain through the global logistical complexities they are faced with. Discover how government officials and industry leaders are working together to help contractors abroad.