GOP Pollster on the Court, Debates and Biden’s Lead (Podcast)

Glen Bolger, a partner and co-founder of Public Opinion Strategies and a top pollster for congressional Republicans, joined the latest episode of Downballot Counts to discuss the presidential race and how it’s affecting GOP candidates running for the House and Senate.

Bolger, who predicts there will be record turnout, told Bloomberg Government’s Kyle Trygstad and Greg Giroux that while the potential Supreme Court confirmation a week before the election will excite both sides, the top issues for voters this year are the coronavirus, the economy, and health care — which he noted are all related.

He also said Republicans would be faring better in the fight for Congress if President Donald Trump wasn’t consistently trailing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden by 7 percentage points in the Real Clear Politics national average. Still, he noted the first presidential debate, being held Tuesday in Cleveland, could be Trump’s best chance to cut into Biden’s lead.

“Given how inelastic the data has been the last couple of months, I don’t know what else would change it,” he said.

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Photo by Matthew Hatcher/Bloomberg
The first debate Tuesday gives Trump a chance to cut into Biden’s lead, GOP pollster Glen Bolger said.

To contact the hosts: Greg Giroux in Washington at; Kyle Trygstad in Washington at
